
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My opinion how relashionships are like

Why is everyone so desperate to be in a relasionship? It never works out well. Anyway, at least when you're 15. So all these happen to gain experience in life?  You just end up getting hurt. Truth is i had lots of crushes but why have a relashionship with someone so immature? Even if you like each other how can you be sure that it will work out? It won't and you will cry 'till your friends make you feel better ( do you remember the ones you ignored while you were with him? ) and then you'll start falling for somebody else 'till you're way to broken and have learned your lesson not to trust anyone and have gained your so called experience. On the other hand if it's all about sex, find somebody who wants the same thing and get the f*ck over it. Your friends won't stay there forever to make you feel better they've got their own lives and after some time it gets annoying anyways.


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