
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Quiz-What's Makes You Awesome!

Why are YOU awesome and special for? Your inteligence, looks, or social ability? Let's find out!

1. If a friend asked you for help...
a. You would help him
b. You wouldn;t help him.
3. It depends.
4. You don't have any real friends.

2. What's your favorite food?
a.  pizza
b. lazagnia
d. you  don't care as long as it's food.

3.What would your friends describe you as?
a. awesome.
b. interesting.
c. beautiful
d friendly

4. What makes you happy?
a nearly everything
b. reading/studying
c. shopping/gossiping
d. your friends

5. What are the best traits that according to you somebody must have?
a. say the truth
b. be smart
c. be stylish
d. Be famous/popular


Mostly A's: Absolutely Nothing!
You don't need anything to make you awesome. You just are. Anyone can see that. If they can't...well, they are just idiots! Believe in yourself even if at some point he/she looks awful, everything will end up alright! If you are thinking that this test will put labels on people, you are wrong! :)

Mostly B's: Go To A
Mostly C's: Go To B
Mostly D's: Go To C 

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