
Friday, February 28, 2014

How to Cope with a Geek

Warning: It does not apply to hipsters
Actually som things you have to remember in order to avoid having victims.
1. Don't pretend you are an expert in a subjet our geek adores if you have no idea about it. He will know.
2. Do things that you both enjoy. He doesn't like your obsession with [anything you like], you don't get his obsession with Mario Cart. There's always something in the middle you can both do and not want to commit suicide because of boredom after five minutes.
3.No, comics aren't only for kids.
4.Yes, manga are different than comics.
5. Just because someone enjoys things you don't doesn't mean he studies for school. Doesn't always study for school.
6. Don't take his glasses. It gets annoying after the 6443th time, #presonalexperience
7. People that only live online and eat only pizza and drink coffee aren't necessarily geeks Who are we kidding.
7. You can enjoy electronic/trance/whatever music and be a normal human being.
8. Don't be judgemental.
9.Don't borrow anything unless it's a matter of life and death.
10. Don't touch him. You never know how bad his intimacy issues are.

Not helpful at all, as usual.

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